v2.5: the ability to use your wallpaper or an active window's color as the color for Aero.two methods of the color calculation now are available: Dominant color and Average color.now it is possible to use the active window icon as a color source for Aero.bug fixed: possible freeze when switched from the 'random color' mode to 'wallpaper as color source'.bug fixed in the color calculation in the 'window as color source' mode.New version notifications aka 'check for update'.Now AeroRainbow is the official part of Winaero. Installer was removed - now it is true portable software.Fixed a bug: AeroRainbow locks your wallpaper and you were unable to change it.Added ability to set the color intensity via settings.This caused issues with BigMuscle's Aero implementation. Fixed a bug: AeroRainbow blocked the alpha channel of a color.Now looks much better in Windows 7 and Windows 8.x. Fixed a bug: AeroRainbow doesn't set the wallpaper color after you open the configuration window.Fixed a bug: AeroRainbow doesn't set the wallpaper color on start.More accurate colors calculation under in Windows 7.The application now supports Windows 10, including all recent builds (Creators Update, Fall Creators Update, etc).
The application can change the taskbar color in Windows 10, as you guys requested.